Events, Author Visits, and Reviews

Sunderland Maple Syrup Festival

Singing Molly Book Launch

SPS Scholastic Book Fair

Facilitating - Healing Words Writing @ Georgina Centre for Arts & Culture. My bestie Jeanne - Executive Director

Stingerz Ringette Home Opener

Children's librarian role at Brock Libraries. Ronald McDonald Visit - before clowns were scary ...

Farm Jam - Lionart Entertainment

Georgina Life - Singing Molly

This is so true! I have been told so often that I am wonderful with children. I think the key is not growing up myself.

Singing Molly Reviews

“Singing Molly is a fun story about following your dream. I loved Molly’s voice and you will too.”

Terry Fallis, two-time winner of the Stephen Leacock Medal for Humour

"Singing Molly is a sweet reminder that we all have our own gifts and should be encouraged to use them. A lovely book that celebrates expression and empowerment by an author with a touching grasp of childhood."

Lucy E.M. Black - Author of Stella's Carpet, Marzipan Fruit Basket, and Eleanor Courtown

"As a grandmother of three small children, one of whom sings from morning to night, this book is a delightful celebration of that joy. Now, more than ever, children need to feel free to be who they are. Kudos to Vicki Bruce for finding a singable way to encourage that brand of esprit!

Dorothea Helms - The Writing Fairy


"Having played hockey all my life, I was taken by this exciting tale that packs an important message."

- Terry Fallis, two-time winner of the Stephen Leacock Medal for Humour.

Goaaalllie thrusts readers right into the action as we hit the ice with the Sunderland Wings for the championship game. With exciting play-by-play, referees in figure skating attire, and an important message about bullying, Goaaalllie is a great choice for sport-loving young readers.

-Wesley King, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author